Our unwavering commitment to sound and archival preservation has earned BWIR respect and recognition among scholars, media experts, and various prestigious institutions who remain in high anticipation of our current research entitled “Two Black Radio Historical Collections: One National Heritage Treasure.” Your support of this initiative will help us reach our goal of making this research accessible to teachers, students, scholars, and the general public for generations to come.
You can join in this historical experience by purchasing Ad placement on the BWIR website, and or by publishing your Ad in our exclusive souvenir book commemorating our journey and contributions to American history. This fundraising initiative is open to businesses, community, and our distinguished inductees. Early bird discounts and premium placement are available.
Partners and Alliances support our nationwide initiatives. Ask us about BWIR exclusive programs and events. Contact Us to learn more
BWIR partner’s are corporations, businesses or organizations that value education, women’s empowerment and preserving broadcast history. Supporters help BWIR open pathways of inclusion in media production, advertising and business. Partners are in excellent hands with career multimedia professionals working around the clock to provide impactful experiences including BWIR LIVE and virtual events, creative social media content, the BWIR Student Internship Experience program, educational programs, historical collection projects, and radio/TV shows.Additional opportunities of support include:
- Scholarship opportunities for students and minority women
- Resource assistance
- Assist to build community relationships
- Promote educational opportunities and public engagement in Media Arts.
- Sponsor events
- Support BWIR research to preserve Black Radio culture