On September 28th Black Women In Radio (BWIR) will host its first Author Summit featuring published authors who are also media professionals from all over the country. They will participate in a two-hour discussion about the challenges of becoming an author, why it is important for their stories to be heard, and how their voices can affect Black culture.
BWIR recognizes the urgency to support and amplify Black Voices. Learn more about each author from their book summaries and links below.
Black Women In Radio (BWIR) is the first and only network of its kind to change the narrative of how women are perceived in media. They are successfully promoting thousands of minority women globally from multi-generations to celebrate their contributions to media arts.

BWIR AUTHOR SUMMIT features Frankie Darcell, Tracy Williamson, Tambra Cherie, Sasha The Diva, Monique Caradine, Angela Greene, Nikki Davis, and Felesha Love.

Frankie Darcell “A Story To Tell” by Frankie Darcell and Julius Justice @frankiedarcell
Frankie Darcell was one of the top radio personalities in Detroit, Michigan. Many remember her from W.J.L.B. This book is her life story.

Conversations For Sista Only by Frankie Darcell
Conversations For Sistas Only is a stage play inspired by the 2004 book of the same name written by Radio Personality Frankie Darcell. A serious yet comical look at the stuff women gossip about. A compilation of the hottest topics and conversations as viewed through the eyes and lives of Sistas. Be they “Sistas” or “ Sisters” This very diverse group of women get together for a pajama party to empower and encourage. But along the way they engage in very taboo topics with humor and sometimes blunt honesty that will make you laugh, maybe cry, and differently will make you think about your own opinions and biases. As women, we talk and without a doubt, Conversations For Sistas Only will spark a whole new round of Sista-talk with you and your circle of friends. By the way, gentlemen if you really want to know what your woman thinks? This stage play is where you’ll get the answers.
Own Your Moment and Take the Stage: Laying the Foundation for a Successful Music Career by Tracy Williamson @tracywilliamson7

If you are in pursuit of a career in the music or entertainment industry, this book will step-by-step help lay the groundwork for you to successfully own your moment and take the stage. Gain insight, motivation, and information to properly develop your vision before writing a song, recording music, releasing a project, performing on stage, or signing with a record label. Learn how to establish and maintain your vision, finances, music, creative goals, team, and brand, while pursuing national platforms, record contracts, and distribution deals. This book also includes an Artist Journal to notate your moments of creativity and information gathered throughout your journey.
Surrounded By Sin Grounded By Love: 8 Simple Keys to Becoming a Better You by Tambra Cherie @tambracherie

Radio personality and host Tambra Cherie hopes to inspire and encourage others to become who they were predestined and preordained to be. Her goal is to help you find purpose in your pain, discernment in your disappointments, and peace within your chaos. She encourages you to grow through life’s disappointments and challenges while embracing new outlooks and perspectives. Tambra Cherie shares various experiences and lessons she’s learned throughout her journey of becoming a better version of herself, and hopes this book will help you take a deeper look within yourself while embracing your own truths.

Blended But Not Broken: How My Blended Family Prevailed and Yours Can Too by Sasha The Diva @sashathediva
Blended families can thrive, and Sasha The Diva explains how you can better navigate through the process of merging households in this practical guide. She shares her deeply personal struggles, tough lessons, and experiential advice with those who will encounter or who are already part of a blended family. She even includes more significant details about her family’s intervention from renowned life coach Iyanla Vanzant, which aired on television (“Iyanla Fix My Life“).
Embrace Your Inner Millionaire by Monique Caradine @sisternomics

Now is the time for women leaders and entrepreneurs to stop stressing and worrying about money! Take the eight steps outlined in this book right now and change your money situation for the better–forever. In this book, Monique Caradine reveals:
-How to uncover your hidden profit potential
-The four types of people to whom money is flowing abundantly right now
-The real reason you should aim to embrace your inner millionaire.
-Why your friends might be keeping you broke.
-Why gratitude should be a part of your wealth-building strategy.
Unnecessary Roughness: The Story of a Mother’s Fight for Justice by Angela Greene @justiceandjazz

When Angela Greene’s twin daughters were expelled from their Girl Scout Troop, she took immediate action. She stood up against the injustice. She stood up for Malia and Sharena, who had done nothing but give a Family Heritage Presentation highlighting their family’s involvement with the Civil Rights Movement. The troop leaders from the Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta had unwittingly picked the wrong mother to email (twice!) with an offer to find another troop that was a “better fit.” Shocked, outraged, and disappointed by the inexcusable discriminatory conduct, Angela vehemently rejected their offers and weak solutions. She adamantly refused to find another troop, and she had no desire to start her own troop. Angela pursued a legal course of action instead and ventured on a journey through four levels of state and federal courts that taught her some tough lessons about ineffective assistance of counsel. In fact, she was motivated to do her own research and to litigate for herself. Unnecessary Roughness is a remarkable story of resilience, determination, fearlessness, and advocacy. More importantly, it is a fascinating story of a mother’s love and her faith in God, who served as her attorney when no one else would. For more about the book or author Angela Greene, visit:
It’s In The Juice: Taking Life Back One Juice At A Time by Nikki Davis @yagirlnikki

After having my daughter I learned very quickly that postpartum depression was a real thing. My emotions, my mind and my weight were all over the place. It took me nine months to birth a baby and another nine months to birth the woman that was hiding behind the depression. Instead of choosing prescription drugs that often have harmful side effects, I decided to take my life back with something as simple as juicing. In this book, you will experience my real-life journey, meet the people, and get the recipes that helped me to go from my lowest point to my greatest victory.

Brave Leap to Freedom: Integrating Mind, Body, and Spirit to Cultivate Healthy Relationships by Felesha Love @twominutemanager @feleshalove
Toxicity can be experienced anywhere and with anyone. If not addressed, the experiences can be destructive to the mind, body, and spirit. This book is filled with relatable stories and self-help exercises to help you identify toxic relationships and break self-defeating cycles.
While raising two daughters, navigating divorce and a new blended family, earning a graduate degree, and teaching at a local college, I army crawled my way through the dark night of the soul.
I didn’t know it at the time but my passion for helping others led me to establish my company MySpiritFitness© Management Group, LLC (MSF), and create a wellness pedagogy that is introduced in this book. The tools and techniques in this book are tested and approved by clients and students I have had the pleasure of sharing knowledge with over decades of teaching in classrooms and workshops.
I am obsessed with waking up to the true self and helping others do the same.